
Should You Move Your Treestand During The Rut

Should You Move Your Treestand During The Rut

The whitetail rut is a magical time for deer hunters. As the woods echo with the primal calls of rutting bucks and the scent of deer pheromones fills the air, it’s hard not to feel the rush of excitement. However, this period presents unique challenges for hunters, and one of the most debated questions is whether you should move your treestand during the rut.

In the modern era of cellular game cameras, it is more common than ever before for a hunter to receive information that a target-specific buck, or buck movement in general, is prominent in another area than where they are hunting. This data often leads to the hunter wanting to pack up their gear and make a move.

Does it spook deer to move a Treestand during the rut?

Moving your treestand during the rut can indeed create disruptions that may spook deer. The heightened awareness and sensitivity of bucks during this period mean that any disturbances are more likely to send them fleeing. However, there are ways to mitigate these risks.

Plan Ahead: If things don’t go as planned and you anticipate moving your stand, scout and prepare well in advance. Know what your hunting area looks like and where other stand areas could always be.  When you have decided that making a move will increase your chances of getting within shooting range of a mature buck, not having to search the area can minimize the amount of noise and scent associated with the move.

Use Proper Stands and Equipment: Use equipment designed to get into position easily and quickly. A stand setup such as the Hawk Helium Pro Hang On with the Helium 20” Sticks can be ready and in place quickly, minimizing your time and presence when setting up or relocating your stand.

Should You Move Your Treestand During The Rut

Time it Right: Choose the moments when deer activity is lower, such as midday or during lulls in the rutting action, to make your move. Another great time to move a treestand is during a rainstorm or when the weather has minimized deer movement. The rain also helps wash away any human scent before returning to the area to hunt.

When should you make a move on deer during the rut?

Understanding the different stages of the rut is crucial for deciding when to make your move. The rut can be broken down into three main phases: When to make a move can be determined in the same manner that one would decide hunting times.

Pre-Rut: Bucks are becoming more active and establishing their territories. This phase is an excellent time for treestand adjustments due to bucks making rubs and scrapes, which give hunters a visual of where their stand locations should be to get a buck into close range.

Peak Rut: During the height of the rut, bucks are most distracted and often less cautious. This is when you might consider staying put in your existing treestand location. Because bucks are pursuing does, they will likely be on their feet throughout the day. There is almost enough risk during this time of the rut to say, don’t move your treestand at all.

Post-Rut: As the rut wanes, deer behavior becomes more predictable. This is another good time to relocate your treestand. There is not as much as a free-for-all of bucks running around like they have no clue that you or any other danger is near. Moving your stand near a food source during the post-rut is a good idea because bucks want to re-stock food and energy after losing so much during the rut.

Best Equipment To Use When Wanting To Be More Versatile

Portable treestands are a game-changer for hunters looking to make swift treestand adjustments. Options like hang-on stands and ladder stands offer mobility and flexibility.

Hang-on stands are lightweight and easy to move, but you’ll need a compatible climbing method like sticks or steps. As mentioned earlier, The Hawk Helium is a great lightweight option for hunters who prefer playing a chess-like game of making moves until they are in the proper position to get within close range.

Ladder stands, though not as portable as the others, are sturdy and provide comfort, making them a good option for longer sits during the rut. A ladder stand such as the Hawk 20’ Big Denali 1.5 Man SLS Ladderstand is lightweight and easy to get into position, often by one or two hunters. The larger seat area of the Big Denali makes sitting all day during the rut more comfortable, which keeps the hunter focused and ready for action longer.

Should You Move Your Treestand During The Rut

The decision to move your treestand during the rut is complex and is often considered risky by hunters who want to harvest a mature buck. Still, with careful planning and execution, it can be a game-changing strategy. Whether you choose to relocate or remain in your current position, understanding deer behavior during the rut and the best time for adjustments is crucial. Embrace the challenge and adapt your tactics to maximize your hunting experience during this exhilarating time of year.

3 Critical Factors To Remember When Hanging Treestands For Bowhunting

Bowhunting Hot Weather Bucks

With the first day of fall already passed, one often looks to cooler weather, pumpkins, and the changing colors of the leaves, not to mention cool sits in a tree stand while bowhunting.

I recently experienced unseasonable weather in my home state of Missouri; I woke every morning and immediately checked my hunting forecast on my Hunt Stand app. Sadly, the forecast eluded several days of temperatures in the mid-eighties to low nineties for a daily high. The truth is, during the early season, typically the last of September and into early October, the weather can still feel summer-like, no matter what season our calendar shows. Do not let the last hot days detour you from hunting; the bucks are still there.

A few years ago, I saw a mature buck regularly appear on my Stealth Cam Fusion cellular camera. Because his summer-like pattern was routine, I jumped at the chance to get in my tree stand when the wind direction was favorable, even with temperatures reaching nearly ninety degrees. To prevent bumping any deer out of the area, I was forced to get into my stand around 2:30 p.m., when the blistering sun was bearing directly down on me for the first couple of hours of being in my stand. When the sun finally made its way behind the tree line, my comfort level began to increase, and so did the deer movement. As planned, at 6:25 p.m., my hit list buck entered the field, then a short time later, presented me with a broadside shot at twenty-three yards. I made a successful shot on a mature, five-and-a-half-year-old buck. Although I had to do a speedy recovery and quick processing hours later due to the heat, I would do it again in a heartbeat if given the opportunity.

Early-season bowhunting can often present much warmer temperatures than desired for deer hunters. However, summer patterns and bucks not yet thinking of the rut can produce some of the most significant hunting days when pursuing a mature buck. The question it comes down to is, how bad do you want it?

In The Field Scent Control

Of course, when hunting in hot weather, you are going to sweat more often, and you are going to stink fast. That is if you ignore scent control.

A complete regimen of scent control that features washing clothes in Scent-A-Way Detergent, showering with Scent-A-Way Soap and Shampoo, and spraying all hunting gear and your body with Scent-A-Way Odor Eliminating Spray is vital. A must to keep human scent under control—staying scent-free in the field while hunting becomes the most fundamental part of staying invisible to a deer’s nose in hot weather. When hunting hot weather, I often carry my Scent-A-Way Spray so that I can randomly spray down while in the stand to help eliminate any odors that have been created while sweating—another fantastic product to use while on the stand is the Scent-A-Way Field Wipes. The wipes help eliminate human odor from exposed skin, and the wet wipes can feel refreshing and cooling when forced to hunt in unseasonable warm weather. Paying attention to wind directions and the extra details of staying scent-free can help keep you invisible to a buck, even when he is in close range.

Bowhunting Hot Weather Bucks

Last Minute Success

Sitting in the stand until the last minutes of the day is typical for the best deer movement during an evening hunt. During my mentioned hunt, I was hunting from the Hawk 20’ Big Denali 1.5-Man SLS Ladderstand; because of the larger seat and the extra comfort when sitting for extended periods, I was at ease, even in the higher temperatures. Hunting from a more comfortable tree stand or an elevated blind can help tremendously when trying to sit restfully until that last light when deer movement is often at its peak.

There are many reasons why peak deer movement occurs at the last light during the early season and on hotter days. The first reason is that deer are still commonly in their summer feeding patterns at this time. They feed during the last hour of daylight, then continue moving throughout the night before returning to their bedding area early the following day. The second is the most obvious: it is too hot! Deer move during the last few minutes of the day because it is much more comfortable for them to do so.

A Drink In The Shade

We have learned when to hunt and how to stay scent-free when bow hunting in hot weather. Now, let’s discuss the best early-season setup.

To be in the best scenario to shoot a mature buck, staying cool and comfortable remains the most critical factor when it is hot. However, it isn’t just about the hunter’s comfort level when getting a big buck into archery range.  Deer need to be cool and comfortable, too, and finding a spot where that is most likely to take place will provide the best shot opportunities.

The ideal hot weather hangouts for mature bucks will be in wooded, shady areas where temperatures feel a bit cooler than when out in direct sunlight. The most ideal locations are in the bottoms of a deep ridge or underneath the heavier canopy of trees. Another excellent stand location for early season and hot weather is near a water source. A stand set up near a pond, creek, or river will more than likely produce a lot of deer movement when hunting. A mature buck may steer away from specific food sources or other areas where deer sign has been found. Yet, water is a must for survival, making a water source stand setup one of the best early-season hunts available.

In conclusion, hot weather should not deter dedicated bowhunters from pursuing their passion for chasing mature whitetail bucks during the early season. By prioritizing scent control, staying in the field until the last moments of daylight, and strategically positioning yourself near cool and comfortable deer hangouts, you can increase your chances of success even when the mercury rises. Bowhunting in hot weather may come with challenges, but as my experience has shown, the rewards can be well worth the effort. So, don’t let the heat keep you out of the woods; embrace the opportunity and make the most of those early-season days. After all, the pursuit of the elusive mature buck keeps us coming back, regardless of the weather.

3 Critical Factors To Remember When Hanging Treestands For Bowhunting

3 Critical Factors To Remember When Hanging Treestands For Bowhunting

You found a spot where deer signs and movement are ideal for hunting, but is your treestand in the right tree?

Many hunters spend the offseason studying their scouting apps, such as HuntStand, trying to narrow down the right spot to hang this year’s stands. After finding a good spot location, the fine-tuning efforts of scouting begin. Many hunters use their trail cameras, feed supplements, and spend a lot of time on foot, looking for the signs of where their next trophy buck is spending the most time.

As the season progresses, the number of deer signs, such as scrapes, rubs, and well-traveled trails, begin appearing, allowing hunters to gain more knowledge of where the best locations to get within bow range of a trophy buck could be. Hunters often find suitable locations yet never succeed because their stand is in the wrong tree. Many are guilty of finding a well-used scrape or high-traffic travel route and rush to place a stand in the nearest tree. When it is time to hunt, they sadly realize that they are not in the right spot due to many factors that could have been avoided if they had considered a few details of their stand placement.

3 Critical Factors To Remember When Hanging Treestands For Bowhunting

Wind Direction

One of the number one mistakes many bow hunters make when hanging their treestands is wind direction. It is vital to consider if the wind direction will be in your favor, where deer will most likely enter and exit the area, what the thermals will be like on morning hunts versus evening hunts, and if there is any reason to cause deer to travel downwind of your stand location. All these factors should be considered before choosing the proper stand location.

Better understanding the most likely scenarios, including human scent being the primary concern, helps lower the chance that a deer will be spooked by the hunter and ruin their stand location during the middle of the season.

Enter And Exit Routes To Your Stand

Having the wrong entry and exit routes to and from your stand location can ruin a hunt quickly. As with wind direction details, many factors must be considered before you hang a treestand. Will your scent be blowing downwind of where deer are most likely staying? Are you crossing any travel routes or walking near scrapes or rubs? Having a deer smell you or where you have been before the hunt begins can devastate a hunter’s game plan.

3 Critical Factors To Remember When Hanging Treestands For Bowhunting

Another critical factor, besides avoiding being smelled, is not being seen also. When walking to your stand, can deer see you? Are you silhouetted? Do deer avoid specific areas because they know you are headed there?

Once an excellent place to hunt has been secured and an excessive amount of deer signs has been found, the next step is to learn as much as possible about the surroundings and how every move the hunter makes before and after the hunt will affect the chances of success.

Are You Concealed After Getting In Your Stand

Sunlight and cover are some of the most critical factors in determining the proper time to be in the tree hunting. After determining where the wind directions will be and what side of the trail, deer sign, food source, or water you need to be on, next is determining if you have enough cover and where the sun will be hitting you at specific times of the day.

Nothing is worse than waiting for an hour or two after daylight, knowing that a deer will walk out at any moment when suddenly you realize that the sun is peaking through the timber and shining directly on your stand. If you make any sudden moves, a deer will most likely pick you out of the tree. Hence, add sun location to the list of factors before you hang your stand. For the best concealment, ideally, you want the sun at your back during the peak movement times. When the sun is behind you, a deer can look in your direction without having the ability to pick you out.

3 Critical Factors To Remember When Hanging Treestands For Bowhunting

Sunlight can be critical to staying concealed while in the stand. It is vital to wear a complete setup of camouflage, including a facemask and gloves to hide all exposed skin. However, camouflage cannot work to its maximum potential without mother nature’s help. It is vital to have plenty of cover behind and around you, to prevent deer from seeing your movements. Remembering what your area will look like in different parts of the season is vital. Often, hunters assume their stand site is well concealed when they hang them in July or August while leaves are fully grown. Unfortunately, later in the fall, when leaves have changed colors or have begun to fall to the forest floor, the stand site is now left in the wide open. To prevent being seen later in the year, cut branches or use larger trees as a backdrop instead of only relying upon leaves for cover.

Bowhunting whitetail deer can be challenging. Getting within archery range of a mature buck can be even more complicated, which is why when hunters are talking about treestand placement, every scouting technique available should be done to ensure they are given the most significant chance at a shot when a buck finally comes through. If you thought setting a stand was as easy as finding deer and hanging the stand, sadly, you are mistaken. Instead, spend every effort determining proper wind direction, the course in which you go to and from your stand, and being hidden when you’re hunting, and your chances of success will flourish.


3 Reasons To Keep Game Cameras Going After Season

3 Reasons To Keep Game Cameras Going After Season

Over the last few years, my end-of-the-year regimen has become routine. Once the hunting season has drawn to a close, like clockwork, I return to my hunting grounds to take down my Down & Out Warrior Blind and my Hawk hang-on and ladder stands to prevent any weathering or damage that could occur to the seats and straps.

It used to be typical after my stands and blinds had been removed for the season, to shift my focus to predator hunting and the upcoming spring turkey season. That is until I heard another hunter announce that his preparation for the next hunting season began the day after the current season ended, meaning that his work and preparation never stopped. Once I began putting more effort into the entire year, instead of waiting until mid to late summer before I started thinking about deer again, I found my success and overall knowledge of hunting improved.

When trying to manage land and a deer herd, there is always something to do. One could make habitat improvements, plant early-season food plots, and the list goes on. However, one task that has provided its fair share of benefits is keeping my game cameras running for several weeks after the season ends. Below are three reasons hunters should keep their cameras running after the season.

Post Season Inventory

One of the most significant reasons for keeping multiple game cameras in place post-deer season is to take inventory of the deer herd and record which bucks made it through the season. On several occasions, many of the bucks who left the area earlier in the year or were pressured out of the area during the peak of hunting season will return to the area to try to gain a few pounds to help them through the winter. I often begin my supplemental feeding efforts days after the season ends. After the feed has been placed, I set up my Wildgame Innovations Wraith 2.0 Camera a few feet away; then, I leave the area for several weeks before returning.

By obtaining an accurate count of what bucks survived the year, hunters can get a head start on their hitlist for the upcoming season. On multiple occasions, I have also had bucks that I had never encountered before showing up at the feed sites during this portion of the winter. When they decide to make an appearance, I make mental notes and focus my prep work on keeping the bucks I have and attracting neighboring deer for the upcoming year.

3 Reasons To Keep Game Cameras Going After Season

Shed Antlers

Hunters should keep cellular cameras to monitor when bucks begin shedding their antlers. When the hunting season is still in progress, many hunters have camera sites where most of the bucks spend time. Instead of taking these cameras down post-season, leave them up as these areas are ideal for a cellular camera, such as the Wildgame Innovations Encounter 2.0, due to bucks grouping back up.

When a cellular camera is in place, the hunter will have a more accurate time frame of when they need to start looking for sheds. By knowing precisely when bucks drop their antlers, hunters can avoid making multiple trips to search the ground when it may not be the right time. Fewer visits to the area can also have more bucks coming into the location because they are not being spooked by hunters who are stomping around the area in search of sheds. Instead, wait until pictures of bucks with no antlers show up, then begin the search. The chances of finding more antlers in one specific area will increase dramatically.

3 Reasons To Keep Game Cameras Going After Season

Monitor Feed And Minerals

One of my favorite post-season camera setups includes using my camera over an area where I have supplemental feed and minerals in the same picture frame.

With feed and minerals in place, I can accurately monitor what deer want and need. By having cellular cameras in place, I know when deer are low on feed and need more. The more critical factor is when suddenly, a week or two period will begin when most deer use the minerals. When this period occurs, I ensure I have multiple mineral sites for deer to consume.

This higher mineral consumption typically occurs during January or February and can be one of the most crucial times for bucks to ingest these much-needed minerals. Bucks consuming minerals during this period can vastly restore what their bodies lost during the rut and fall season, which can do wonders for them. The faster the recovery rate, the less stress on their bodies, which equals better antler growth the following year. 

3 Reasons To Keep Game Cameras Going After Season
Using Blinds For Late Season Success

Using Blinds For Late-Season Success

By: Heath Wood

Many hunters spend their off-seasons preparing for the future, hoping that the upcoming year will bring about the mature buck of their dreams.

Months of hard work and preparation have hunters setting their sights on a period that is often the season’s main event, sweet November. Yet, when the latter portion of the season arrives, they look back on that treasured time, only to analyze what they did wrong and why things didn’t go as planned. If you enter the month of December with a buck tag still in your pocket, don’t lose hope, there is still adequate time to take advantage of the late season and wrap your tag around the leg of the buck of your dreams.

Blinds Near Food

Using Blinds For Late Season Success
Hawk Down & Out Blind

One of my favorite tactics for hunting during the late season is using blinds to make the needed adjustments to gain the upper hand on bucks.

At the end of the year, areas near food are one of the best places to find deer movement. Several factors play into why deer are predictable at being on a significant food source later in the year. The first element is that bucks are coming off the rut, in which the excessive traveling and hunt for does in estrus have taken a toll on their bodies and health. To replenish their fat and energy to a normal level, deer will feed heavier at this point. Typically, winter is also when colder temperatures arrive across the country, and deer require more food to stay warm. Bucks working on regaining their health and adding to their body weight are why having a ground blind or elevated stationary blind near food is necessary.

Keeping an elevated box blind, such as The Office Box Blind from Hawk, is the ideal location to hunt late-season bucks. A field will likely be full of deer when hunting over late-season food sources. When hunting in a blind such as The Office, hunters have the advantage of keeping noise control to a minimum and their thermals trapped inside, which helps prevent deer from smelling them. Not to mention, during the cold winter month, they can stay much warmer and more comfortable compared to sitting in an open treestand.

Mobile Adjustments With Ground Blinds

Although box blinds are great for hunting during the colder late season, hunters must keep a portable blind such as the Hawk Mancave Ground blind if quick adjustments are needed to get on the path of a mature buck and make the harvest.

Using Blinds For Late Season Success
Hawk Mancave Ground Blind

This past year, the Midwest suffered a severe drought throughout the spring and summer. With very little rain, food plots didn’t grow as expected, and many other factors that stem from dry weather dramatically changed the deer’s travel patterns. Personally, I dealt with dry conditions near my home in southern Missouri throughout the entire summer, which resulted in using ground blinds during the late season. In one of the places I hunt, the deer share the timber, fields, and water with the landowner’s cattle. In a typical year, the farmer will move the cows to pastures far from the area where I hunt. In the summer, I hang most of my treestands based on past experiences and normal travel patterns from the deer. However, this year due to a lack of rain, the landowner’s pastures suffered and failed to produce enough food for the livestock. The lack of green pastures resulted in the cattle being in the areas where I hunted when fall arrived. With all the remaining grass going to the cattle, plus a massive acorn crop, the deer movement patterns were dramatically different from the past. All my pre-hung stand locations saw deer movement at a minimum throughout the rut and during the season’s prime.

To make the proper adjustments to increase my chances during the remainder of the season, I reverted to a method I have used in the past: using a ground blind to quickly move into a new area where deer movement is more prominent.  When deer become pressured due to hunting or are pushed out of an area by livestock or unpredictable weather conditions, as with my hunting area, they will move their travel routes to gain better access to food, cover, and water. Because this is a temporary move, I want to avoid moving treestands to that area or taking the risk of spooking deer. Instead, I used a portable Hawk ground blind and made a quick setup in the new area. To help determine where to move into an area with a ground blind, use a cellular game camera to help pattern where mature bucks are located. One of my favorite things about late-season occurs when new bucks, or bucks who have gone MIA throughout the rut, start popping up on my Stealth Cam cameras. Often, a couple of weeks after the rut is done, bucks will begin to return to their usual grounds along with newcomer bucks who seek out does that may be getting ready to come into estrus during the second rut. With cellular cameras, the hunter can observe when bucks are most active, then move into the area with their blind and hunt. Often, hunters harvest mature bucks during this period, which they have never encountered before.

All Day Sits Pay Off During The Rut

All Day Sits Pay Off During The Rut

By: Heath Wood

The Power of Patience

After a mid-November morning of bucks cruising, chasing, and multiple encounters with deer the entire hunt, I was eager to see what the rest of the day had in store. At  11:30 a.m., a good friend who hunts in a tree stand nearby texted me and asked if I would like to join him for a quick bite to eat. He told me that he parked on the backside of the property where we both were hunting. The morning’s hunt was full of action; however, my stomach was empty.

After a short drive to meet up with my friend, I was welcomed with a bag full of elk snack sticks, sliced cheese, and crackers laid out on the bed of his truck, like that of a buffet. I stuffed my face with snacks and then headed back to my tree stand to settle for the afternoon and evening hunt. I was amazed at how many deer I witnessed moving through the timber during the early afternoon. At a time of day when I would typically be sitting at camp or home, the deer were already on their feet.

At 2:00 p.m. that afternoon, I was fortunate to harvest a mature buck who was cruising through trying to find any does that were in estrus. If it weren’t for sitting all day, I would not have been there when he came through, or even more concerning, I would probably have spooked the buck when walking in if I had been following my usual hunting schedule.

Plan for Comfort

When hunting mid-November or when the rut is in full swing, it is a good idea to take your playbook or your game plan and throw it away. One of the most exciting things about hunting the rut is that you never know what the deer will be doing or where they will be. The unpredictable nature of bucks during the rut is why it is crucial to find a spot that you know deer usually travel and sit all day. To sit all day, one must be ready to endure ten or more hours in a ladder stand, tree stand or blind. When sitting for long periods, you must consider these three factors—comfort, hunger, and boredom.

Remaining comfortable throughout the day means to have an excellent place to sit and to stay warm. During the rut is one of my favorite times to put in an entire day of hunting. Whether rifle hunting or bow hunting, I prefer using a ladder stand with enough room to sit to ensure I stay comfortable. The 20′ Big Denali 1.5 Man SLS Ladderstand from Hawk is one of my favorite ladder stands. The Big Denali features one of the most oversized seats ever on a ladder stand. The Mesh Comfort seat is 26″ wide and has a 23″ contour backrest. The extra room in the seat and the large area to rest my feet, I can sit comfortably for hours.

The other critical factor in sitting comfortably for an extended period is dressing in layers to adjust to the weather. By dressing in layers, you guarantee that you will be warm in the mornings when it is colder. As the day progresses and temperatures begin to climb, you can shed a layer and remain comfortable without leaving the ladder stand.

Sitting in 20' Big Denali 1.5 Man SLS Ladder stand

Hunters Get Hungry

Hunger can end a hunt faster than you can say biscuits and gravy. It is a good idea to take a few snacks in your backpack to prevent cutting your hunt short and risk being absent from the stand when a mature buck decides to venture through. On a cool fall morning, while sitting in a ladder stand or tree stand, it is common to start feeling hunger pangs after the morning action slows down. This is especially true during the rut; you never know when the moment of truth will present itself. I take a few snacks and drinks with me in my bag to help keep myself in the stand when the action happens.

In the past, I have even packed my lunch to avoid leaving the area. However, I usually keep my lunch in my vehicle, and I get out of my stand during mid-day, only to eat, then climb back into the stand as soon as possible.

Boredom Saves the Buck

The last of the three risk factors for cutting a hunt short is boredom. During the rut, there is usually a lot of action throughout the day. However, there will still be times when nothing is going on. It is easy to let your mind wander during such times. A cell phone is a lifesaver for a roaming mind. When activity slows, grab your phone, check social media, play games, check the weather, or whatever to occupy your mind to prevent boredom. If you are not much of a smartphone kind of person, I use my hunting accessories as tools to prevent boredom. When hunting during the rut, using a grunt call or rattling antlers can sometimes help lure in a buck. They can also be used when times get slow, and you become bored.

A Good Backpack Leads To Good Results

You want to speed up the action anyway, why not make a few grunts or compose a rattling sequence. Other hunting accessories are used the same way. Hunters often carry a backpack or bag such as the Tenzing/Mossy Oak Bottomland Hangtime Day Pack. A hunt backpack like the Hangtime Day Pack keeps all gear, snacks, drinks, and anything else you might need during the hunt always organized and within reach. When times get slow, I get my Vortex Viper HD binoculars out of my pack and slowly scan my entire surroundings. Occasionally when scanning with binoculars, you will spot deer movement that you may have failed to notice with the naked eye.

The rut is a favorite time of the year for all deer hunters. The action is like no other time of the year, and the chance of taking mature buck increases.  Do not miss out on this magical time by being absent when it occurs.

Dead Buck Shot from Hawk Tree Stand

Getting The Most Out of Your Hang-On Treestand

Multiple Uses For Your Hang-on Treestand

As a deer hunter, there are countless different ways in which you can go about hunting. Ground blinds, permanent stands, saddles, climbers and of course hang-on treestands. Where hang-on treestands have an advantage over other types of hunting is you can use hang on stands in a variety of ways. Most notably are through the uses of running and gunning or setting up a given property with multiple hang on stands, or even a combination of both. Depending on what kind of scenario you will find yourself in can also determine what kind of stand you might want to use.

Running and Gunning Tactics

Running and gunning or being a mobile hunter is a great scenario in which to use a hang on treestand. When doing so, you want to make sure you have the correct stand though. Lugging around a big and bulky stand won’t cut it with this type of hunting. Having a smaller, slimmer stand is what you’ll want to use when running and gunning. This is where having a stand such as the Hawk Combat stand can play a big factor. Sporting a platform size of 21×27”, it’s big enough to be comfortable, all the while being small enough to be packable for any kind of running and gunning hunt.

When utilizing the running and gunning style of deer hunting, often times you’ll have a spot picked out on a map, or a general location in mind. What this can mean, is you may not know exactly where you’ll be setting up or what kind of tree it will be, etc. Because of this, it’s even more important to have a lightweight stand such as the Hawk Combat. Not only do you want a lightweight stand, you will also want one you can trust. When running and gunning, you can be put in a multitude of scenarios, including hunting close to buck bedding and all day sits during the rut. In these situations, you want a stand that is quiet, sturdy and comfortable, which the combat stand provides.

When it comes to running and gunning, it is one of the most popular uses for a hang on treestand. The hang on stand gives you the ability to be mobile and a flexible deer hunter. If you are a public land hunter, someone who likes to save money, or simply an aggressive hunter that doesn’t like to sit in the same tree again and again, consider investing in a stand such as the Hawk Combat to be your running and gunning partner.

Having Multiple Hang on Stands

Another great use for hang on treestands is through the use of setting up multiple stands on a given property. Whether you are someone who owns a big tract of land and wants to set it up just how you want for multiple different hunting situations, or if you operate an outfitter, having multiple hang on stands setup throughout your property can be a big deal for many different reasons.

By having multiple hang on stands setup on your hunting property, you can set it up to tailor how you want to hunt. You can set up multiple stands for certain wind directions, as well as for morning hunts or evening hunts. You can have stands setup for early season, rut hunts and late season. By having all of your stands setup and ready to go, what it allows you to do is have options to choose from, and when the time comes to hunt, you can look at all of the conditions that are present and make a decision as to what stand to hunt. This is especially nice if you share a hunting property with others and need a lot of setups.

When you are going the route of having multiple hang on stands to set up a given property, you can afford to have a bigger, roomier platform. Since you won’t be hauling the stand in when you hunt, the bigger platform can make your sits much more comfortable. This is where a stand such as the Hawk Mega Combat shines. Coming in with a platform size of 24×30’, the mega combat stand provides you with a little extra room. When using multiple stands on a property such as in this scenario, you can hang the stands over time in the off-season allowing you to use a bit of a bigger stand. When you are running and gunning, the smallest stand possible is usually preferred since you are hauling it on your back every time you hunt. But when it comes to using many stands and setting them up at a pre-determined time, having the extra room can be useful for a couple different reasons. Not only is it more comfortable, but they can be great for setting up for others. Some people need a bigger platform, whether that is because of their size or comfortability issues. Either way, if you know others will be sitting the stands you setup, having a bigger platform can be a big plus.


At the end of the day, you want to have the right stand for your style of hunting. The nice thing about hang-on stands is they can suit multiple hunting situations. If you are a mobile hunter and love to run and gun, a small and slim hang-on stand is a great option. You can still be comfortable in the tree while not having to haul in anything too heavy. And if you have a bigger hunting property where you can setup multiple stands, having a hang-on stand with a nice sized platform can be a great way to go. It all comes down to your style and preferences. No matter which way you go, or what scenario a hang on stand is useful to you, Hawk has a selection that can fit your needs. If you want to learn more about the Combat series of stands, head over to our YouTube Channel to check them out.

HAWK_headquarters office Michigan

HAWK™ Opens New Headquarters in Michigan

Growing Company Now Calls Frankenmuth, MI Home

Frankenmuth, MI. June 18, 2014  — HAWK®, introduced in early 2014, is an exciting new brand of hunting gear and equipment.  Distributed by Innopower, Inc, HAWK started moving into the new headquarters building in Frankenmuth, Michigan earlier this year and recently completed the transition.

The facility, which is adjacent to Bronner Construction on 393 List Street, will house the entirety of Team Hawk™.  With the move into the new headquarters complete, HAWK now accommodates its entire Michigan-based staff including Engineering, Operations, Sales, Marketing, Finance, Warehousing and Distribution.  This is further proof of the company’s ever-increasing growth and capacity.

“We are extremely pleased at the initial reception and success of our HAWK brand in the marketplace,” says HAWK® President Scott Lee. “As HAWK continues to expand and gain recognition within the market, we needed to have a facility capable of growing with us.  The facility in Frankenmuth has a great working environment and improved R&D workspace to bring further innovative products to the market.”

The move to the new facility was ahead of HAWK’s original timetable and having fully integrated warehousing/distribution strengthens the overall effectiveness and efficiency of operations.  HAWK is currently utilizing 4,000sq/ft and has an additional 4,000sq/ft  reserved for future expansion.

The address for the new headquarters is 393 List St, Ste B, Frankenmuth, MI 48734.  For more information, e-mail [email protected], call 810-626-3026, or visit

HAWK™ is a hunter-driven company committed to ruggedly designed outdoor gear. Never satisfied and refusing to settle with a passion for bringing superior design, quality and performance to products that all hunters can enjoy. Like refining a strategy in the woods, it’s all about evolving.